Bringing an Indigenous Perspective

Haida Singer Artist Author Educator
Sondra Segundo was born and raised in a time when there were still many birth speakers of the Haida language alive. From very young, she grew up hearing traditional Haida songs with her Elders.
Now she is passing on this priceless knowledge to the next generations.
Sondra is a singer of the Haida language, a cultural educator and published author/ illustrator of 3 children’s books.
In 2018, she joined tribal band, Khu’éex’ which is based in Seattle and sings in the Tlingit & Haida Languages. She will be featured on their upcoming 3 albums and documentary film "The Magic of Noise" with Khu.éex'".
She also produces music with her husband, they've released 3 albums.
Sondra was fortunate to apprentice with a birth speaker of the Masset Haida dialect, Jane Kristovich during the last years of Jane's life. This led Sondra to become the founder of Haida Roots, a non-profit organization that connects local Haida to resources and opens opportunities for sharing their culture and learning Xaad kíl (

Our Haida art forms flow together.
Song goes with dance goes with artworks goes with storytelling...and it comes through us just as natural as the river flows.